HJSplit is a popular set of freeware file-splitting programs created by Freebyte.com in collaboration with various programmers. It splits files of any type and size. Does not need to be installed. Just click on hjsplit.exe and the program starts. This program can even handle files which are larger than 10 Gb! HJSplit is standalone, very reliable, simple, small and easy to use. It does not need any installation or complicated DLLs, it just consists of one '.exe' file. This means that you can also run it directly from a floppy or CD-Rom.
HJSplit will enable you to split the large file into smaller chunks, which can be much more easily sent and stored. E.g. HJSplit allows you to split a 10 Gb file into 640 Mb parts, which can then be stored onto CD-Rom's by your CD-writer software. Of course HJSplit can join these split parts back together again, so that the original file is restored.
Alternatively, you can use HJJoin for this, which is a tiny and specialized program for joining files.
HJSplit supports many platforms (Windows XP, Vista, 2000, NT, 95, 98, ME, DOS, Amiga, Java, etc.). All versions are compatible with each other and allow you to exchange files between these different platforms. E.g. a file split on the Amiga can be joined on Windows 2000 and vice versa.
Size: 335 KB
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